Im done with this game. I cant
handle Jack anymore ‘nd I just want to go home. Home sounds so perfect right
now. Mommy would care for my every need ‘nd I would just take it for grant it. She made the best homemade cookies. I could eat those all day long. Daddy ‘nd I every Sunday would go outside and play with my remote control
airplane. I remember one time he crashed it into the tree. I also remember having family dinners with all
my cousins ‘nd aunts ‘nd uncles ‘nd my grandparents to. We would all stuff our
faces with yummy food and play hide ‘nd go seek. I miss home so much. Now I would do anything to be back.
Jack has become a complete beast. He is evil and wicked. He has to have absolute control over his little savages. Piggy is dead because of him, Simon is dead because of murder, ‘nd Sam ‘nd Eric are tied up by him. He almost killed me today. Luckily I was able to get away but Im all alone now. I have no hope of going home. I wish I could reverse life somehow to make this never happen. Im stuck in a nightmare.