Sunday, June 2, 2013

I cant believe it I was finally rescued. When I saw the ship I knew I was going home. When the naval officer came out of the ship ‘nd told us how bad we were I ‘nd all the others started to cry. I realized that we were taken over by the evil ‘nd were not acting like humans. We were savages. Jack set fire to the island ‘nd had everyone including Sam ‘nd Eric try to kill me. Luckily that is when we the naval officer appeared. As I look back we killed two people ‘nd lost one littleun. I cant believe we became so careless. Im just so happy Im going to be home with my mommy ‘nd daddy.
It has now been five days since we have been rescued. The naval officer named John has talked to us one on one ‘nd gotten information about us. He has contacted the main land that they have rescued kids on a abandoned island. I over heard John say that England is a mess with war right now but I dont know how true that is. John said that it will take six more days to get home ‘nd has made us help out on the ship. We have to mop the deck everyday from 11 am to 1 pm. It kind of stinks but it is a lot better than being stuck on a island. I just cant wait to go home.

Monday, May 27, 2013

        Im done with this game. I cant handle Jack anymore ‘nd I just want to go home. Home sounds so perfect right now. Mommy would care for my every need ‘nd I would just take it for grant it. She made the best homemade cookies. I could eat those all day long. Daddy ‘nd I every Sunday would go outside and play with my remote control airplane. I remember one time he crashed it into the tree. I also remember having family dinners with all my cousins ‘nd aunts ‘nd uncles ‘nd my grandparents to. We would all stuff our faces with yummy food and play hide ‘nd go seek. I miss home so much. Now I would do anything to be back. 

      Jack has become a complete beast. He is evil and wicked. He has to have absolute control over his little savages. Piggy is dead because of him, Simon is dead because of murder, ‘nd Sam ‘nd Eric are tied up by him. He almost killed me today. Luckily I was able to get away but Im all alone now. I have no hope of going home. I wish I could reverse life somehow to make this never happen. Im stuck in a nightmare.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

         I saw it today. I saw it but it was to late. The ship was gone before I could relight the fire to have smoke. Jack let the fire go out. It is all his fault. He had to hunt that stupid pig ‘nd didnt even care to check the fire. Imma glad we had food to eat tonight but Jack should have checked the fire. All he cares about himself. Especially lately he has been obsessed with hunting. Hunting is good to have food ‘nd fill us up but thats what he thinks about ALL the time. We should be obsessed with trying to be rescued. Imma certain we could have been rescued today but instead we are stuck on this island. Because of how Jack let the fire go out I decided to call a assembly. I want to go home. I miss being with my daddy ‘nd how we would mess with each other.
   I miss my mummys cooking 'nd making sure I was healthy. Lately the littleuns have been eating too much fruit ‘nd causing them to have diarrhea ‘nd stomach pains. I hear them in the middle of the night having nightmares ‘nd they talk about a beastie. I think everyone one is just tired of being here. I try not to show that I want to go home but sometimes it gets to me. I think of all the good times I had with my friends. I miss that a lot but I know my daddy is coming to rescue me. I will never give up hope that he is coming.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

     My name is Ralph. Imma skinny, fair haired, white boy from England. My daddy is in the navy. Right now imma stuck on this island ‘nd my daddy is going to come rescue me ‘nd the others. Our plane crashed on this island and the pilot is dead. On the plane there were some other boys ‘nd ive now met some of them. Ones name is Piggy ‘nd hes really fat ‘nd has asthma. He cant do as much as the others because hes always complaining about his asthma. He basically sits all day long ‘nd thats why hes fat.
     Ive met a boy named Jack Merridew whose in charge of the choir boys ‘nd now the hunting boys. Hes pretty cool but can kind of get annoying sometimes. Me ‘nd him are the ones in charge. One of Jacks choir boys passed out when I first met him. His name is Simon ‘nd apparently he always passes out, puts on a show. Hes a good kid ‘nd hard worker, helped me built two shelters while the rest were swimming ‘nd wondering around. Simon, Jack, ‘nd me went on a adventure before we knew if the place we were on was a island. We found out it was a island so it will take some time for us to get rescued but ive have faith in my daddy. There are also twin boys on the island with me. There names are Sam ‘nd Eric.
      There are many other boys names I dont really know. They dont help out around here to much. We agreed on some rules though. Whoever has the conch shell can talk ‘nd no on can interrupt them while talking. If the other boys have a question they have to raise their hands. It is just like school back at home. Us boys also created a fire to have smoke go up in the air. If other ships are sailing they can see the smoke and come get us. Hopefully we will be rescued soon I kind of miss home.